5th International
AR VR Conference
Changing Realities in a Dynamic World
An International Conference
at Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBw)
12-14th June 2019
More than 100 international Speaker from science and industry will present latest research results and use cases on Augmented and Virtual Reality during various Tracks and Panel Discussions at the Main Conference (13-14th June). Parallel to the talks, companies of the AR and VR scene have the opportunity to present themselves at the Exhibitor Area. Not only offers the Conference an attractive Location nearby the Alps, but also great Social Events (Flight Simulator, BavARian Night, and more).
On June 12th, the day before the conference, Workshops on XR are offered for Managers to gain practical experience. Academics/PhD students have the opportunity to participate in SEM & Publishing Workshops.
12th June
For Managers / SMEs: Practice-oriented XR Workshops
For Academics / PhD Students: SEM (Structural Equation Models) & Publishing Workshops
- Cross Disciplinary Workshops
13th June
Welcome and Keynote Speeches
Academic and Industry Sessions
Lunch (at the Exhibitor Area)
Academic and Industry Sessions
Panel Discussions
BavARian Night
14th June
Keynote Speeches
Academic and Industry Sessions
Panel Discussions
Lunch (at the Exhibitor Area)
Academic and Industry Sessions

About the Conference
Multiple forecasts indicate that the evolution of media and technology will further blur the boundary between the real-word and the virtual world. To better understand how these new realities impact a variety of business and management practices, the growing and interdisciplinary community of international researcher meets at the international ARVR conference to present and discuss recent advancements in the field. This conference has rapidly developed from a small conference on AR, VR, and Mixed Reality to an established conference attracting researchers from business, tourism, MIS, and so forth. The last conference attracted more than 230 people from more than 20 countries to Manchester, UK. In addition, keynote speakers from renown companies, such as Microsoft , BBC, PwC, and Samsung, discussed new technological developments within the industry; a presentation that continues to attract numerous scholars from around the world.
In 2019, the conference will be held at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, in Germany, hosted by Prof. Dr. Philipp Rauschnabel, chair of the newly founded Professorship of Digital Marketing and Media Innovation.
More information and impressions on the previous conferences in Manchester can be found here:

Pre Conference
June, 12th 2019
For Academics and Managers
For Managers
Beginner Workshops on XR: Crash Course XR - Deep Dive AR - Deep Dive VR
Interactive Workshops: XR Business Models and Desing Thinking (Meaningful AR VR Design)
Hands on Workshop: Develop your own VR App with VRdirect and try out the XR Devices
Panel Discussions: The Future of XR
For Academics / Doctoral Students
Publishing Workshop: "How to publish in journals" held by Journal Editors (Springer) and experienced Researchers
Methodology Workshop: "Structural Equation Modelling" (by Dr. Barry J. Babin & Dr. Nina Krey)
XR Workshop: Research in and with XR
Confirmed Speakers 2019

What´s the difference between AR, VR and MR? Why is it so important to the Industry? What makes the Microsoft HoloLens so special? During this presentation you will learn why so many commercial customers are investing into this type of technology. With the use of an AR Headset, such as the Microsoft HoloLens – a fully self contained, untethered Holographic headset – customers from all kind of industries will benefit. See real use cases on how MR is helping to reduce costs and optimize existing processes.

Jan Heitger
UX for Industrial Augmented Reality
AR has come a long way since its early marker tracking days, but the allure of an augmented reality world often still results in embracing the gimmick of AR instead of solving existing problems. In this keynote, we will look into how to make AR applications truly useful and what it takes to use available AR technologies in a meaningful way. The real-world people and their concerns in productive industrial environments will be considered with a strong focus on how user experience and usability can make or break AR’s ability to support them in their daily industrial tasks.
"UX for Industrial Augmented Reality"
We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another in the Airline industry.AI and XR technology’s are fundamentally disrupting all services and products and the pace of change is astonishing. It is expected that the this change regarding its scale, scope and complexity during the transformation will be unlike anything we in the Airline industry have experienced before.
What could be effects on our products, what do our customers expect and lastly what about our workers? We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive and must involve all stakeholders within the Airline industry.

What you see is what you get - Enhancing Sales Experience with XR
The advent of mixed reality (XR) technologies is opening new doors for augmenting customer experience & enhancing sales processes. XR is promising not only for enhancing new product visualizations, and supporting sales processes by fostering discussions, but also for placing an emotional and tangible connect to future product designs. In this talk, potential & challenges of XR-based product configuration for industrial applications, and illustrations from ongoing research are highlighted.

Ready, Steady, Go!
How XR will change the world.
Prof. Philipp A. Rauschnabel is the 2019 local conference chair and a Professor of Digital Marketing and Media Innovation at Universität der Bundeswehr München. In his welcome keynote speech, he will provide a broad overview of the most important milestones in research and practice, and summarize the most relevant forecasts on how XR will change our world. Ready, Steady, Go!

The Future of Immersive Technology
In his keynote speech, the 2019 global conference chair will review the impact of AR, VR and immersive technologies by presenting current use cases in various different sectors, and also discuss the future of immersive technology that will transform our society.

How Augmented Reality can support Onboarding in HR.
More and more companies are trying to find applications for augmented reality apart from marketing gimmicks. Many are currently considering how to simplify the start of new employees. The new employees are put on glasses and then they are sent on an orientation tour through the house. Of course, such an app can also be used for applicants or visitors of a company.
Wonders to Vehold: Emerging AR Interoperability in Museum Collections
Rapid developments in digital library collections, particularly with extensive adoption of the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), have helped substantially establish standards for digitally sharing (and preserving) art, books, manuscripts and other 2D materials. Web-based viewers enable reassembling of originals or creation of composites from remote pieces. The IIIF 3D Community includes key projects which present 2D images and 3D models together using web-based viewers, use a mainstay file format, and have inbuilt concern for digital preservation. Working with libraries and museums in Cambridge, Yale, Harvard and Oxford, and the IIIF-supportive Universal Viewer developer, these 2D and emerging 3D standards will guide a proposed joint project to bring together Charles Darwin's writings and instruments with an AR reuniting of his separated botanical, geological and zoological samples.

SEM Workshop
The workshop provides an overview and serves as an excellent refresher course or as an introduction into essential aspects of structural equa-tions modeling with an emphasis on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). This interactive session will include instructions on how to analyze data using the structural equation modeling (SEM) software package AMOS. A brief overview of SEM with an emphasis on scale development and CFA and coverage of advanced topics such as cross-cultural vali-dation through multi-group analyses and higher-order factor analyses. For structural models, we will dis-cuss SEM and mediation and moder-ation. We also cover the basic stumbling blocks when trying to publish research using SEM.

Augmented Reality in Manufacturing - Barriers to Adoption
While we observe well established applications and technologies, very little is known how to effectively implement AR in organizations, and in particular in manufacturing. The objective of our research was to identify drivers and barriers of AR in manufacturing on a corporate as well as on a user level. For the most crucial barriers that were revealed, strategies that manufacturing firms can implement were identified and will be presented.

Animation in Augmented Reality
Prof. Michael Schwertel, born in 1973, is a lecturer, producer, creative and holds workshops and lectures. He is working within his professor-ship for media management with a focus on transmedia and has an infinite experience in theoretical and practical knowledge. As a practical pioneer in the fields of media, such as digital image editing, HDTV, stereoscopy and Augmented Reality, he was always a few steps ahead of his time.

Locomotion – Core element
of immersive experiences.
Natural movement, especially walking and running are a challenge in virtual reality experiences. The presentation gives an overview of the topic from different perspectives. Starting point is a technological overview covering historical development, available and prototyped solutions as well as advantages and limitations. Some selected fields of application are characterized and matched with existing solutions from different perspectives. Last but not least we’ll raise the question of quo vadis locomotion?

SEM Workshop.
The workshop provides an overview and serves as an excellent refresher course or as an introduction into essential aspects of structural equations modeling with an emphasis on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). This interactive session will include instructions on how to analyze data using the structural equation modeling (SEM) software package AMOS. A brief overview of SEM with an emphasis on scale development and CFA and coverage of advanced topics such as cross-cultural validation through multi-group analyses and higher-order factor analyses. For structural models, we will discuss SEM and mediation and moderation. We also cover the basic stumbling blocks when trying to publish research using SEM. Questions are encouraged as we go along.

Standalone vs. High-End PC VR
– Quo Vadis?
Tom Neubert, Product Manager XR at Schenker Technologies GmbH will critically weigh the advantages and disadvantages of current mobile and stationary virtual reality. In addition, he will give an overview of the next generation of VR devices and an assessment of the future development.

Special Conference with special Coffee:
the Münchner Kaffeerösterei provides a special coffee experience and lets everyone immerse in their production processes by means of VR. Visit the Barista Bar and start networking there, since researchers of the Yale University found that holding a hot drink in the hands leads to increased sympathy!

We are based in a beautiful landscape, you can see the Alps nearby. Signs of history are characteristic for the territory, e.g. an old chapel or a former military airport with a huge runway, which serves with the surrounding nature as a recreational area for the whole public.
The basic task of the University Munich of the German Armed Forces, which was founded in the year 1973, is to provide officers and officer candidates with a solid university education. The number of students has increased continuously. Currently about 3,000 military and civilian students are enrolled.
The trimester system, the campus-style layout of the university and the individual academic supervision provided to the students in small groups facilitate the successful completion of studies within a short period of time. The students are awarded bachelor’s and master’s degrees equivalent to those awarded by other German universities. Research and academic teaching at the Bundeswehr University Munich is not restricted, and excellent scientific facilities allow high-level research that is competitive on an international scale. Air and space research or automotive research e.g. in the respect of autonomous driving are examples of our very recognised scientific expertise. We founded a cyber innovation center, which will integrate experts form all over Europe. It is the biggest cyber center in Germany.
The University Management is committed to continuously improving conditions for studies and research. The structural reform of the year 2000, which strengthened the university's autonomy and made it more open to the public, has enabled the Bundeswehr University Munich to respond quickly and flexibly to the growing challenges it faces and to continue paving the way for reforms.
Call for Papers
Submission has closed February 15th
In case of any requests regarding late submission, please contact: arvrmunich@gmail.com
Partners & Cooperations

Registration still
MAIN CONFERENCE (13-14th June)
The regular conference fee is 330 € (catering and social events included).
Early birds (registration before April 14th) and students only pay 250 € conference fee.
PRE + MAIN CONFERENCE (12-14th June)
If you choose to participate in the pre conference as well (doctoral consortium and industry workshops), the fee for pre conference + main conference is 390 €.
Early birds (registration before April 14th) and students only pay 310 € fee.
Registration is still possible. For further information please contact katrin.brunner@unibw.de.
A right to return of tickets and the refund of the ticket purchase price only applies if the event is canceled or relocated. If you are unable to attend the event, you can transfer your ticket to another person. Please let us know the name of this person at least three days before the start of the event. Up to two weeks before the event it is possible to cancel the ticket. We will then refund half of the purchase price.